Saturday, October 29, 2016

Five for Saturday! (YAYYY)

HELLOOO!!! I've had my sweet blog abandoned for some months...I've been so busy adjusting to the married life that I had to take some time off from blogging... :( BUT I'm back!! And I couldn't wait any longer! What a better way to join back the blogging world than to join the BEST Linky party! I'm joining Doodle Bugs Teaching !! These are my 5!

I have very sweet parents this year! On Tuesday I wasn't feeling so well and  I got this letter with a starbucks gift card! My week was made! Little things like this really go a long way!

I teach at a Spanish Immersion school, we speak Spanish during math and science so I created this fun puzzle for my kiddos! I have yet to put it up in my store but I will do it soon! My kids loved it!

Yesterday we had our Fall Party and the kids got to make their own mummy pencil can! My awesome room moms came up with the idea and the kids LOVED IT! Find the tutorial HERE!!!

We are studying Author's Purpose so why not persuade the teacher into buying a haunted house??? Perfect for Halloween! We used the OREO paper from Monica Young! Then we did a draft and finally I gave them the "fancy paper." I did a quick half page writing paper,  grab it from my store for FREE! They came up with amazing stories! Definitely a HIT!

My last one to share is a snap of my classroom door! I love walking into my room! Is not much decor but I love everything! I mean look at that Carolina BLUE pumpkin with my New Initial!! 

Well friends, thanks for stopping by! I will be blogging more often now! So come back!! 


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hello August!

You guys! I got a new job! It has been so surreal! As you have seen in the previous posts I got married this Summer and I moved to Tennessee! After looking and applying to several job openings I didn't think I was going to teach this school year...UNTIL ... it happened! My dream came true, I got offered a position at a Spanish Immersion school and I am teaching SECOND GRADE! I LOVE IT! I started teaching TWO weeks after the school I am still getting my room ready WHILE I teach routines and curriculum. It is hard but possible, I will soon post pictures of the class, but I need to make it my own :)


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tell All Tuesday...Summer Snapshot!!

Hi guys, happy Tuesday!!! I'm linking up again with the ladies from Tach Talk Inspire and My Day in K! I am loving the theme this week, Summer Snapshot! Here is my Snap! :)

It was REALLY HARD to pick one snap... but I LOVE this picture! As many of you know I married my best friend this Summer, life is good! This snap however is from our honeymoon in Punta Cana! We loved the beautiful clear blue water and the weather! Ah It was simply beautiful! I really recommend this place if you are looking for a caribbean getaway! Let me show you some more pictures :)

Well here you go! These are my snaps! :) Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tell All Tuesday : 2 Truths and a Lie

Last year I spent my Summer in my beautiful home country Colombia and the only thing that kept me on my laptop was this linky! I loved it! I'm so glad My Day in K and Teach Talk Inspire brought Tell All Tuesday Back!!!!! :)

This week the topic is 2 truths and 1 lie! Guess my lie :) Let's Play!

1. I met my husband at a college frat party.

2. I am a hardcore Harry Potter fan. 

3. I rather eat steak than chicken. 

Here they are! Very straight forward but man it was hard to pick my lie ;) Can't wait to see your posts! Check back to see which one is the lie!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

5 for Saturday! :) ~~~ NEWSSS

Well...HELLOOOOO!!! :)

I feel so so sooo bad for having my little blog abandoned for quite some months, BIG things happened and I didn't have time to blog :( BUT here I am! BACK!! And what better way to come back to the blogging world than to link up with the fantastic Doodle Bugs Teaching ?? 

First, my brother, my baby graduated from MIDDLE SCHOOL!! How did it happen? Why is time going so fast! I am so excited for him to start high school though! He's going to have a blast! 

My last day at my First school was definitely BITTERSWEET! I loved the class I had this year, they were absolutely great, my teammate was fabulous and I could not say thank you Lord enough! Quick note, the girl at the bottom left picture came to school crying on the first day AND on the last day! She didn't want school to be over! My heart was filled with joy and love. 

I MOVED!!! Yes, I Moved to the beautiful TENNESSEE! It happened and I'm stoked to see what this state will bring! We live 20 minutes out of Nashville!!! AH! :)

I got Married!!! On June 24th I married my best friend! We had the most beautiful wedding and our family and friends celebrated with us! It was absolutely PERFECT! It could not have gone better! I am so blessed and happy to start this journey with my husband! :) 
~~ I will have a separate post dedicated to my wedding ;) 

My 5, last but not least, we went to paradise for our honeymoon! We traveled to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and it was absolutely wonderful! We stayed at an all inclusive resort that looked just like a Castle! I felt like a queen ;) Oh it was just breathtaking! 

Well friends, these are my 5! Thanks for stoping by and check back to see the wedding post! :) 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Five for FRIDAY!!!!


I am so glad I get to link with Doodlebugs Teaching! I haven't been linking up much preeetty much because wedding planning is a priority now! (I get married in less than 56 days !!! Anyhow we had a great week in first grade! Check out my five! :)

We finished this week our plants unit! Since we were celebrating all we learned we made a "garden" with shapes on each table! I'm always so impressed with my kids' imagination! 

I LOVE ART! I love painting and lately I have discovered that I can actually draw! "Ms. Parra you draw soooooo good!" - my kids ;) I found a book called Camille and the Sunflowers in the library and it was simply perfect for me! We got to learn a little bit about Van Gogh while talking about flowers! After we read we did a quick direct drawing and this was the result! A beautiful sunflower garden on my wall! :) 


We had a Field Trip!!! ON A WEDNESDAY! It was great! My children had so much fun! We went to a science museum ( I LOVE SCIENCE) hehe I basically love teaching EVERYTHING! I love exploring and getting my kids' hooked! This museum lets them explore and is "children - proof" ;) They wore many hats during the trip, from archeologists to architects! 

Today I decided to take teaching OUTSIDE. It was a Gorgeous day and the sun was calling my name hehe! We had an impromptu art session outside, we use finger paint! THEY LOOOVE to paint with their fingers and honestly I do too.

I'm getting married soon!! So my five is actually wedding updates! 
I have sent my wedding invitations and I already started to get our RSVP's! I also designed our wedding guestbook! I love our engagement why not using them for our guestbook?? I got it done through Shutterfly (I use this site for everything)!


Well friends these are my five! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Currently APRIL!

AHHH APRIL!!! Thank you FARLEY for this linky! I get to keep track of the months thanks to you! ;) Is absolutely shocking that we are already in April! Here is my currently :)

Listening :  I LOVE this song! The first time I listened to it I felt this amazing joy! Totally recommend it! 

Loving: The sunshine! One of my favorite parts about spring and summer is the LONG SUNNY afternoons! I love being able to get home and still get some sunshine through my window! 

Thinking: I am doing a photo book for our wedding guestbook! I want to show our engagement pictures, so what better way right?

Wanting : to nap! Here is the only downside about the gorgeous sunshine through the window...napping! 

Needing: to get ready! We had spring break last week! I haven't seen my children in 11 days! Ohhh I miss them but I need to get ready for them!

Whatever: I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! AHHH! How can I create, teach, blog, design AND plan a wedding???? We are finally getting to a good place having booked the big stuff...but oh my we will say I DO in front of God in JUNE! :) 

Here it is! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Dr. Seuss' Birthday - Week!!!

One of my favorite writers is Dr. Seuss! I love every book he wrote and little by little my collection is growing ;) Anyhow, I celebrated his birthday the WHOLE week! How can you only do 1 day with such great BOOKS!!!!???!? Here is how my bookshelf looked like: 

I challenged my friends to read all of the books in one week...we almost do it but I decided to keep them one more week :) (My librarian won't be getting the books back quite yet-my friends LOVE them)  
Side note: one of my struggling readers picked up today Green Eggs and Ham while in centers...he read the WHOLE book! I know the vocabulary is pretty basic but is +60 pages! I couldn't stop smiling...and the boost in confidence this little dude got is priceless! Thank you Dr. Seuss!!! 

Now back at my Dr. Seuss week ;) 
Day 1. The Foot Book  - We reviewed our opposites! One of the best activities for this book I found at The First Grade Parade

I traced their feet ... but then I saw this little one...she kept on stepping on her yellow feet! It was too sweet! :)

Day 2- The Cat in the Hat - We designed a new hat for the CAT!
 Since he cleaned up after his mess and we always see him with the same hat we made new hats for Mr. Cat! I love seeing where the imagination of my kids would go, they are so creative! I have some pretty amazing artists this year! 

I forgot to snap a picture at the end of the day, this one was from Wednesday after half of my class had left their hats at home :(  Still, see how colorful their hats are? 

I made an opinion writing about The Cat in the Hat, I love using my product with my class, it makes me feel really accomplished ;) Click on HERE or on the picture to grab the freebie! :) 

I love hundred's charts with "secret" pictures on them, so do my friends...Our picture last week was no other than The Cat in the Hat! They FREAKED out! 

Day 3. Oh the Places You'll Go - Wacky Wednesday! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. SEUSS! In his honor I wore my thing 1 hoodie...AND it was picture day...I got caught up with Dr. Seuss that I forgot to bring a formal sweater for the picture...oh well. 

We started the morning my reading wacky of the funniest books EVER and let me tell you that my kids couldn't get over the fact that it was ACTUALLY WEDNESDAY!  Then we read my favorite book, "Oh the Places You'll Go" We talked about the many places we wanted to explore when "we" grow up! It ranged from Orlando FL. (Since they found out there is a Dr. Seuss theme park) to Egypt because of the pyramids! (We were learning about 3-d shapes). Their writing is on my bulletin board and I have forgotten to snap a picture of it! I will upload it soon! :)

Day 4- Green Eggs and Ham! - Tasting Experiment!

After we read the book we talked about the yucky green eggs from the book, I tried to persuade them into thinking the green is really nasty ;) After a little conversation we were ready for our experiment. Each child hat two cups: 

cup 1 = water+a bunch of salt + blue food coloring
cup 2 = water + green kool-aid + green food coloring

I found this idea at Finding the Teachable Moments. (I changed the orange juice for kool-aid though)
We voted about which drink we wanted to try first and why, 90% of my friends chose the blue water since it looked refreshing, so we ALL tried that first...

It was NASTY! Too salty! They were so funny! Their faces were simply priceless! After that we tried the green and found that this one was actually pretty good! We learned that not everything is as bad as we think it could be..."don't judge a book by its cover". 

Day 5- Bartholomew and the Oobleck + Dr. Seuss Soup!

I thought it was appropriate to celebrate our week with some soup ;) It was delicious! 

 Time for Oobleck! Our materials were:

Green Food Coloring

I placed the materials in front of the class and asked them to predict what we were making, I heard several things including bread! NONE of them knew the story so I was quite excited! We started reading Bartholomew and the Oobleck and while I was reading I could see their little faces light up everytime I showed them the the end they KNEW we were going to be making OOBLECK! (It was my first time making it too) 

1. I gave each child a paper bowl and some glue. 
2. After that we put some food coloring and they started mixing with a popsicle stick. I tend to use and re-use popsicle sticks...they are so useful! 
3. While they were mixing I sent some friends to the bathroom with a bucket for some warm water, when they came back I put some borax in it. They mixed it too. 
4. The fun part! I started putting the water + borax mix in their bowl and voila, magic happened! It was FANTASTIC! They had a blast, and I did too! 

Clearly it felt WEIRD and YUCKY! :D 

Well friends this was my Dr. Seuss Week! Thanks for stopping by! :)