Monday, July 16, 2018

NEW NAME! Precious Bilinguals


This Summer I've been connecting with more teachers around the country thanks to the #TeachersFollowLoops! This made me think about my name. Well when I first started working/creating on my little online world, I was teaching FIRST! I LOVED being a first grade teacher and I didn't think I was going to move anytime soon so I launched my brand "Magically in First".

A year and a few months later a milestone in my life happened, I got married and moved to a new State (NC to TN). Well with the craziness of setting up our new apartment and writing the what felt like a MILLION wedding thank you's I applied to 3 school districts near me. Time passed and I realized that Tennessee schools start almost 3 weeks BEFORE North Carolina schools! To say that I felt discouraged is an understatement. Long story short schools started and I was unemployed, mind you, I have been working since I was 18.

Days passed and I felt lost, only ones giving me divine strength was our wonderful God and my amazing husband.
I checked the school openings every day and sent my resumes straights to the principal's emails, being persistent paid off! 2 weeks into the school year I checked the openings for Nashville and I found a position as a 2nd grade teacher at a Spanish Immersion School (this is the ONLY public elementary school with this program)...I was in awe, I've always wanted to teach Spanish! So I went ahead and emailed my resume and left everything in God's hands, and He really works fast! Got a call, went to the interview, was offered the position and started working once the paperwork went through!

I know, so much blah blah blah...well this experience helped me grow in my faith and made me a stronger believer, the more I share this story the more my faith increases in the Lord!

Well I'm about to start my 3rd year at this school and I LOVE it! It is literally my dream job and I love being able to teach English speakers Spanish!

Here is where my new name comes into play. I started thinking about what I'm teaching and what I like so I new I wanted something with Spanish or bilinguals. Yesterday a lightbulb light up and PRECIOUS BILINGUALS was born!
I can't wait to create more Spanish resources (I usually create my own stuff so I just need to post them ;) )

Thank you for stinking with me till the end of this post :)