Friday, May 29, 2015

Five For Friday!

1.  I saw the most wonderful idea in Mrs. Rios Blog. I had planned on giving my children a book that they could treasure forever! We are hooked to the Rainbow Magic Books! They love these chapter books and hey! They are seven and they are reading chapter books because they love them so much! 
These are the bookmarks I did, they turned out preeeetty good. Oh and I got to use my new laminator! 

2. During centers I spotted a future teacher! We practice our high frequency words everyday and look! She was teaching her friends and coming up with new word games...oh and they were hooked and listening to her! <3 
3. One of our centers is fluency folders...I got the most wonderful fluency passages from Primary Possibilities . My kids love to work with them but had forgot they had new stories! I usually do this in small group but look, they were doing everything on their own! I feel so so proud!  

4. I have the best people in my life! My boyfriend's parents donated me money to use in my class! (I know I am blessed ;) ) I used the money to buy my children fairy books! They could finally have their first Rainbow Magic Book! (They ask me everyday for these books and I do not have enough for everybody) She came to my class and helped me pass out their gifts...A picture is worth more than a thousand you be the judge of how they felt. 

5. Of course NOTHING can top a fairy book and our wonderful Thursday...except MAGIC ICE CREAM! Yes Magic ;) watch the tutorial here. This is them outside shaking their ice cream! 

I think we had a WONDERFUL week! Next week is our LAST FULL WEEK!

8 more days!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

End of the Year Awards!

Isn't it crazy that we are already doing End of the Year Awards??? I still find myself thinking the first day of school was just couple weeks ago! Boy time flies by! I started to look for some cute awards online but then I stopped myself and went ahead and created my own! Me and my class are in love with Dr. Seuss so why not to Dr. Seuss Awards? They are themed, one of Cat in the Hat and one Oh the Places You'll Go! If you want to get your copy click here!  They are super cute and very simple!

Awards day for me is Friday so I have just enough time to print them and write my kiddos names!

11 more days!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

First Five for Friday!

We are almost done with this school year!! Isn't that crazy? My children are so stoked about our last 12 days of school but of course with the end of the school year comes all of that fun testing part... :( ... However that is one of their favorite things to do, I hope they still like it in a few years from now! Anyways, this week I decided to finally link up my blog to Five for Friday! So here we go!! 

1. We created 3-D shapes with our colorful marshmallows and toothpicks! They said, "Oooh! Ms. Parra I know why you brought these colorful things! Because you love everything in color!!" Well I think by this time they know that I have a first grader inside me as well! 

2. I went to the Dollar Store couple of weeks ago and look what I found! Colorful and beautiful "Slappers" ;) They are perfect for our favorite game! Slap the word! Everyday on Literacy Centers my children get so happy when they have slap the word...well now with these brand new toys they are way happier! 

3.  Our last Field Trip of this year! We went to a strawberry farm to pick up some strawberries...overall this was my favorite field trip ever! I had some little ones who brought some hats! They were precious! Each one of them got to bring home a basket full of strawberries! 

4.  My school follows Imagine it for our ELA block and we are on the unit about homes. Our story this week was Snail's Pace, we found why snails are so slow! They have to carry their home everywhere! So after we read we played a little game to see who was the best snail in class! I called them by groups, they had to get their backpacks  and I put on their backs some books (to pretend that was their home, oh and the books are not too heavy ;) ) Then it was time to race! My first group rushed and all of their "homes" fell! We learned that snails are so careful and they MUST move slowly. Then another group went and one boy kept on winning all of the races! He was so careful and slow yet kept a good pace! I added a few more books because he deserved a bigger home! Well guess what he won! I got to put 8 books and he never dropped any!  The kids had a blast and we learned about snails!! 
Ready to Race! 

Our best Snail!! We has a blast! 
5. It's Friday! on Friday I check our magic mailbox and look! The mailbox is about to explode! My class has some special friends that write to them every week...Fairies! Every afternoon we read books and we have been hooked on the collection of Rainbow Magic Books ! They are simply amazing and has been reason number 1 for them to start reading chapter books! Well this weekend I have to write my kiddos back!

Our Magic Mailbox that goes to Fairyland !

Well this was my week! Happy three day weekend!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bar Graphs!

It has been such a long MONTH!!!! April left and May arrived and I am so ready for June already! May = testing season! Chaos? Oh my! Between working and planning I have no time for anything! I am a little behind on the posts I have wanted to do but today I devoted my planning to this. My kids had a hard time understanding and reading a bar graph (I thought it was going to be a piece of cake). My mind was set on creating something for my little ones to understand better. If you want to grab your freebie head over to my store HERE . The freebie includes only two bar graphs :( bummer....but grab the FULL PACKET of bar graphs HERE !!!
Before we used our graphs I modeled how to ask questions and how to record the information by using tally marks. They were so excited since they were about to start walking around the class and the were going to interview their peers.
What is your Favorite Animal??? 
Of course after they recorded their information they NEEDED to analyze their data. On the back of their paper they had some questions about their graph and little pictures for them to color! My kids would color the walls if they could!

By the way here is one of my favorite pictures of them asking questions to each other! They are precious and they looked like little reporters! Super cute! 
 The bar graphs were a huge HIT! Thankfully I have more graphs in my packet for them to use! They really loved it and they are great at analyzing them now! YAY!