Friday, April 29, 2016

Five for FRIDAY!!!!


I am so glad I get to link with Doodlebugs Teaching! I haven't been linking up much preeetty much because wedding planning is a priority now! (I get married in less than 56 days !!! Anyhow we had a great week in first grade! Check out my five! :)

We finished this week our plants unit! Since we were celebrating all we learned we made a "garden" with shapes on each table! I'm always so impressed with my kids' imagination! 

I LOVE ART! I love painting and lately I have discovered that I can actually draw! "Ms. Parra you draw soooooo good!" - my kids ;) I found a book called Camille and the Sunflowers in the library and it was simply perfect for me! We got to learn a little bit about Van Gogh while talking about flowers! After we read we did a quick direct drawing and this was the result! A beautiful sunflower garden on my wall! :) 


We had a Field Trip!!! ON A WEDNESDAY! It was great! My children had so much fun! We went to a science museum ( I LOVE SCIENCE) hehe I basically love teaching EVERYTHING! I love exploring and getting my kids' hooked! This museum lets them explore and is "children - proof" ;) They wore many hats during the trip, from archeologists to architects! 

Today I decided to take teaching OUTSIDE. It was a Gorgeous day and the sun was calling my name hehe! We had an impromptu art session outside, we use finger paint! THEY LOOOVE to paint with their fingers and honestly I do too.

I'm getting married soon!! So my five is actually wedding updates! 
I have sent my wedding invitations and I already started to get our RSVP's! I also designed our wedding guestbook! I love our engagement why not using them for our guestbook?? I got it done through Shutterfly (I use this site for everything)!


Well friends these are my five! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Currently APRIL!

AHHH APRIL!!! Thank you FARLEY for this linky! I get to keep track of the months thanks to you! ;) Is absolutely shocking that we are already in April! Here is my currently :)

Listening :  I LOVE this song! The first time I listened to it I felt this amazing joy! Totally recommend it! 

Loving: The sunshine! One of my favorite parts about spring and summer is the LONG SUNNY afternoons! I love being able to get home and still get some sunshine through my window! 

Thinking: I am doing a photo book for our wedding guestbook! I want to show our engagement pictures, so what better way right?

Wanting : to nap! Here is the only downside about the gorgeous sunshine through the window...napping! 

Needing: to get ready! We had spring break last week! I haven't seen my children in 11 days! Ohhh I miss them but I need to get ready for them!

Whatever: I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! AHHH! How can I create, teach, blog, design AND plan a wedding???? We are finally getting to a good place having booked the big stuff...but oh my we will say I DO in front of God in JUNE! :) 

Here it is! Thanks for stopping by! :)