Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Currently December

Happy DECEMBER!!!!!
Is so crazy to think that is already December!!!! I am so excited!! December brings the holidays and WHO DOES NOT LIKE THE HOLIDAYS???? I am linking up with Oh' Boy Fourth Grade! I haven't been linking much but I couldn't let this one pass by! Thank you for he linky party!
Here is my December!

Listening: For some reason I didn't have Brett Eldredge's station on my pandora! I have been listening to this station and I love it! Yes I love christmas music but this station is a HIT! 

Loving: We had PLC today... :( It has been raining since Monday and when I left work it was already DARK! As soon as I got home I put my Pj's on and I am loving it! So comfy now :) 

Thinking: Tomorrow my boyfriend and I will celebrate our FIVE year anniversary! I always told myself...I will never date someone for more than 3 years...well look at me know! ha! 

Wanting: Well sadly my boyfriend is living in Tennessee (I live in North Carolina) so we won't be able to see each other on such special day :( 

Needing: I need to get some christmas shopping done! 

Real or Faux: Fake, even though I love real trees I do not like the smell pine gets after couple weeks. So Fake. 

Thanks for stopping by! Happy Holidays!! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Turkey in Disguise

It has been quite some time since I last posted something, I have been sick, I have had my downs but...Thanksgiving break is TWO days away so I finally had some time to post!! My team mate and I gave our little ones their turkeys! I was soooo excited to see what the kids would come up with! 

My kids love to use "fancy" words (new vocabulary) so the word "disguise" fit like a glove! The kids were very happy to disguise their turkey so nobody could find them! 
These are some of our turkeys!

On Friday I saw my ALL TIME FAVORITE TURKEY!!! Turkey ELSA!!!!! I am in love with this one, I posted this picture on my INSTAGRAM and guess what! Teachers Pay Teachers posted my picture on their instagram!!! I felt so Famous! ;) 

I mean, I can't get over it! They deserve a Shout out!!! :) 

I will be back to my blog soon! Oh and to my store as well!!! :) 
2 Days until Thanksgiving Break! <3! yay!!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Purple Pencil Sharpener? Yes Please!!!

Hi!!! I am so so soooo excited to share these pictures with you all! I have fallen in love with the best sharpeners for a classroom, created by the great friends at the Classroom Friendly Supplies! I have a green one, you can check my green sharpener HERE !! I have it green because is my favorite color...but now they have a PURPLE SHARPENER!!!! I now own 2 sharpeners and my kids LOOOOVE them!
First of all, I loved that it came assembled! I didn't have to do anything, just take it out of the box...and that was about it! Don't you love the color?

Here is another snap of it (out of the bag). 

Now the fun part, I grabbed a random amount of pencils (not Ticonderoga), sharpened them and voila! My favorite part about these sharpeners is how SHARP they actually are! The face expressions my friends make every time they have a pencil sharpened is amazing! They have never had a pencil THIS sharp...and to be honest...I never had one either...UNTIL NOW!  I truly recommend these sharpeners, my mom and I work at the same school and use them daily! Thank goodness I got this new purple sharpener! Every teacher at our school loves it!!! Thank you so much Classroom Friendly Supplies for creating this! You are awesome!!! #classroomfriendlysupplies 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Five for Saturday! (Oops)!

Is so hard for me to get close to my laptop and blog on Fridays! I just want to curl in my bed and sleep! haha! I had a wonderful week! Here are my five! 

I have 22 friends...on our spelling test on Friday 20! yes 20 friends got 10 out of 10! and my other 2 friends got 8 and 9! NOT BAD AT ALL! Last year this never happened! ALL of my kids were so happy for each other and I was so stoked! I am so glad my friends are becoming great spellers! 

I got a letter and a gift from one of my former students, she comes to my class and gives me good morning hugs <3 She brought me that cute duck that is on my desk. :) 

We took a little hike around the school to collect leaves for a science experiment. Thanks to The Brown Bag Teacher for the science post! We learned why leaves change colors and we saw the pigments of the leaves! The kids had a blast! 

We learned about Jhonny Appleseed! We celebrated by eating some delicious apples and since it was Friday we created apples! I didn't have enough time to snap a picture of their apples! :( I'll get on Monday. 

I scored this magnetic chalkboard at Target for ....$3.00!! Yes! it was on clearance and I couldn't believe it! My kids LOOOVE going there...and lately I have seen them playing teacher! They grab the pointer, copy our spelling words, family words (and sometimes our high frequency words) and start testing each other! Ah these kids are stealing my heart, is such a joy to teach them everyday! 

Well this was my week, of course more things happened but these are my top 5! Thanks for stopping by! :) 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Currently October...!

Well is my first time linking up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade! Isn't is crazy how we are ALREADY in OCTOBER??? One of my friends told me last week..."Ms. Parra! We are TWO months away from December!" Yes.. let that settle...Christmas is Just around the corner! Oh MY!

I got a new friend today! She's very sweet but I caught me off guard. I'm really excited yet overwhelmed...BUT we'll have so much fun! 

My boyfriend and I have been apart for a whole year now, why is it so hard to follow our dreams ? He is doing his thing and I am doing mine but Oh Lord #longdistance is no fun. He came home this weekend so I guess that's why I have the love bug all over me still :( haha! 

Hey ! World's Teachers' Day! Thank you teachers! You are changing Lives! 

Monday, September 28, 2015


I had blogged about my amazing shirt quite some time ago but I knew I had to give my shirt a post on its own! #APLUSIMAGES did an amazing job with my logo! I like wearing my shirt EVERYWHERE! I like the simplicity and the look of my shirt !

I wore this during the week of Professional Development and  everybody liked it...and hey I got some teachers visiting my blog! :) 

Check them out HERE!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Five For Friday! Woohoo!

Happy Friday! I can't believe is already Friday! For some reason this week just flew by! Wasn't it Monday yesterday? lol! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the coolest linky! 


We have been working hard on our place value! They children have done such good job! My school doesn't let me get a bunch of copies :( so I have become quite resourceful. We use a BUNCH of clear sheets! Dry-erase markers are our best friends! When we did our assessment I decided to have it timed for 1 minute and see how much they would get done! They loved it! (oh and dry-erase markers are their favorite supply!) 


If we are working on place value why not know how many tens and ones we have in our names? We did the first letter on our names though! I like to give my friends a chance t cut and paste as many times as possible to improve their motor skills. Non-educators can't imagine how much practice and modeling children need to have in order to know how to do simple stuff like holding a pair of scissors.


We finished TRC! YAYYYYY! No more testing for a while! My friends did so well and we are ready to improve some of those scores! 


We Started my FAVORITE SEASON! Welcome Fall!!!! We celebrated the first day of Fall by picking up leaves and reading some great Fall books during Literacy Centers!!! I mean Who DOESN'T love Fall? 


#WelcomePopeFrancis! I am so impressed on the warm welcome the countries have given Pope Francis! He is absolutely sweet and so humble! He has changed the face of the Catholic Church and has made us feel more comfortable and blessed with our Faith! Soooo When I saw this I just knew I had to share it! 

Have a happy weekend! 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Five for FRIDAY!!!

It has been really busy all of this weeks! I haven't had time to do posts...but I've been busy! :) I am so thankful and in love with my class this year! They are so amazing! I think I changed the way I started the year ... That made a BIG difference! Last year being my first year teaching I was ALL OVER THE PLACE! This year I think and I hope I started with the right foot! Well Here are my five!!


I Launched my classroom's Blog! I think it will be super awesome and I'm thinking on letting some of my 21 friends do the posts..but NOT yet haha! We might wait couple months.



We read Suki's Kimono and my teammate and I got super excited about JAPAN! We learned about schools in Japan and our biggest shock was when we learn that the children are the ones who clean the school! No janitors. In my class they clean up every time we eat snacks or work on certain the end of the day when other classrooms are a MESS mine is clean and ready for the next day thanks to my kids! :)



I finally had time to create something! I was so happy and my heart was filled of joy when I uploaded this product! I just loooove the letters! find them HERE!!!!


We played Number Line SCOOT! I grabbed this freebie from ANNA BRANTLEY. My kids loved it! I love to play I spy around my class and when I get to do I spy (Scoot) in my room I get ecstatic! Today was so much fun! I saw some friends struggling at the beginning but after a couple tries they got it and had tons of fun with it! I loved seeing them walking around, counting and having fun while learning and reviewing number lines! A total HIT!!


Today our read aloud was Wolf! A wolf who learned to read and write! We loved it so much that we made him as a puppet so they could read at home!! It wasn't in the lesson plan ;) BUT it turned out great! I wish I could have recorded them talking like a wolf!!! They crack me up ! I had an AMAZING Friday and I hope you all did too!!!
Now off to watch some Netflix! :)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Five for Friday! {Saturday}

Well I finished my first FULL week of school!!! WOOOHOOO!!  I got home last night and after a farewell party we were hosting I went to bed by 1:00am! :O So yea, that's my little excuse to link up today :( Anyhow...My kids are the BEST! Thanks doodlebugs teaching for hosting my FAVORITE link up! These are my 5!


I met my new 21 friends!!!!! They are super cool and super sweet! I love seeing how much they grow in firs grade! They walked into my room and they are tiny! I'm not that tall, but hey they grow a LOT ! On they one I showed them how first graders read to self! When they read to themselves they can flip their chairs!!!! They think is super cool and asked me ALL week if they could read on their own! 


On Tuesday I showed my friends what EEKK was!!! They thought it sounded funny but they did such good job! They always made sure their elbows were touching each others and their knees were together! Ah I'm a happy teacher! 


We read Chrysanthemum! I love this story and they did too! We read several books this week but we got to do a fun cute art project with this one!! I traced their names on strips of construction paper, then I gave each table different tissue paper (they said ewwwww when I said "I'll give you tissue paper"...thinking it was Kleenex!). I modeled how to rip the tissue paper, AND how big the little paper should be! I had some friends that glued an enormous piece on their name despite seeing that the pieces needed to be as big as their thumb! This took quite a long time but it was Friday! So I did not complain :)


We had our FIRST Show and Tell!!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING! I gave them the chance to stand on my crate and give the class hints! We all needed to figure out what they had brought! They had so much fun and we got to learn things about each other! I have an all star in my class this year...and SEVERAL little pony fans! 


This was one of the greatest things this week! One kindergarten teacher gave me this back seat pockets!!!! She just walked in my class and asked if I wanted to use them in my class this year! I have been looking for some but I just can't afford them!! I love them! It helps my kids be more organized and keep my tables clutter-free! Best-Day-EVER! 

Can't leave this one out! We had our first Spelling Test!! I love when they write! It brightens up my day!!! #itwassupposedtobeCRAB

Thanks for stopping by!!! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Back to School Day 2!

Today was our Second Day! I love my 21 new friends! They are super curious and I get to work with these bright minds for the next 180+ Days! So far I have introduced the Whole Brain Rules and they rock! The only thing I switched is the scoreboard...I make a T for Teacher and S for Students! It works so much better for me because instead of having a sad face their teacher is winning! I will post some pictures later this week...having no assistant I have to be on the move ALL day and I can't snap many pictures...Or I forget!
Yesterday I showed my friends how 1st graders "read"! I let them flip over their chairs and then they lay back like if they were beach chairs! They are quite comfortable and they CANNOT BELIEVE THEY CAN FLIP THEIR CHAIRS WITHOUT GETTING IN TROUBLE!!!!

We flipped the chairs while we did a little read to self! They loved being able to read on their own! 

Today I taught them how to put papers in their folders with prongs...yea I make them do that. Why? 1. It gives me the chance to teach them how to be independent
2. They become more aware of their own stuff and take care of it better! 
3. Helps me sort things out!! 

We are reviewing the alphabet and I got this AMAZING FREEBIE from The Moffat Girls!!! My kids love it and is simply wonderful! 

I just couldn't wait to share this with y'all!!!! More news coming SOON!!! :)
Happy Tuesday!