Saturday, October 10, 2015

Five for Saturday! (Oops)!

Is so hard for me to get close to my laptop and blog on Fridays! I just want to curl in my bed and sleep! haha! I had a wonderful week! Here are my five! 

I have 22 friends...on our spelling test on Friday 20! yes 20 friends got 10 out of 10! and my other 2 friends got 8 and 9! NOT BAD AT ALL! Last year this never happened! ALL of my kids were so happy for each other and I was so stoked! I am so glad my friends are becoming great spellers! 

I got a letter and a gift from one of my former students, she comes to my class and gives me good morning hugs <3 She brought me that cute duck that is on my desk. :) 

We took a little hike around the school to collect leaves for a science experiment. Thanks to The Brown Bag Teacher for the science post! We learned why leaves change colors and we saw the pigments of the leaves! The kids had a blast! 

We learned about Jhonny Appleseed! We celebrated by eating some delicious apples and since it was Friday we created apples! I didn't have enough time to snap a picture of their apples! :( I'll get on Monday. 

I scored this magnetic chalkboard at Target for ....$3.00!! Yes! it was on clearance and I couldn't believe it! My kids LOOOVE going there...and lately I have seen them playing teacher! They grab the pointer, copy our spelling words, family words (and sometimes our high frequency words) and start testing each other! Ah these kids are stealing my heart, is such a joy to teach them everyday! 

Well this was my week, of course more things happened but these are my top 5! Thanks for stopping by! :) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are the most creative teacher on the planet!
    I think that organizing a class takes a long planning process. It would be cool if you could tell us about the process of organizing themes and activities. :)))

    1. oh my! I would have to go with you to grab a cup of coffee and then chat about it! So happy you read the blog!!!! :)
