Saturday, October 29, 2016

Five for Saturday! (YAYYY)

HELLOOO!!! I've had my sweet blog abandoned for some months...I've been so busy adjusting to the married life that I had to take some time off from blogging... :( BUT I'm back!! And I couldn't wait any longer! What a better way to join back the blogging world than to join the BEST Linky party! I'm joining Doodle Bugs Teaching !! These are my 5!

I have very sweet parents this year! On Tuesday I wasn't feeling so well and  I got this letter with a starbucks gift card! My week was made! Little things like this really go a long way!

I teach at a Spanish Immersion school, we speak Spanish during math and science so I created this fun puzzle for my kiddos! I have yet to put it up in my store but I will do it soon! My kids loved it!

Yesterday we had our Fall Party and the kids got to make their own mummy pencil can! My awesome room moms came up with the idea and the kids LOVED IT! Find the tutorial HERE!!!

We are studying Author's Purpose so why not persuade the teacher into buying a haunted house??? Perfect for Halloween! We used the OREO paper from Monica Young! Then we did a draft and finally I gave them the "fancy paper." I did a quick half page writing paper,  grab it from my store for FREE! They came up with amazing stories! Definitely a HIT!

My last one to share is a snap of my classroom door! I love walking into my room! Is not much decor but I love everything! I mean look at that Carolina BLUE pumpkin with my New Initial!! 

Well friends, thanks for stopping by! I will be blogging more often now! So come back!! 
