Sunday, November 22, 2015

Turkey in Disguise

It has been quite some time since I last posted something, I have been sick, I have had my downs but...Thanksgiving break is TWO days away so I finally had some time to post!! My team mate and I gave our little ones their turkeys! I was soooo excited to see what the kids would come up with! 

My kids love to use "fancy" words (new vocabulary) so the word "disguise" fit like a glove! The kids were very happy to disguise their turkey so nobody could find them! 
These are some of our turkeys!

On Friday I saw my ALL TIME FAVORITE TURKEY!!! Turkey ELSA!!!!! I am in love with this one, I posted this picture on my INSTAGRAM and guess what! Teachers Pay Teachers posted my picture on their instagram!!! I felt so Famous! ;) 

I mean, I can't get over it! They deserve a Shout out!!! :) 

I will be back to my blog soon! Oh and to my store as well!!! :) 
2 Days until Thanksgiving Break! <3! yay!!!