Friday, April 29, 2016

Five for FRIDAY!!!!


I am so glad I get to link with Doodlebugs Teaching! I haven't been linking up much preeetty much because wedding planning is a priority now! (I get married in less than 56 days !!! Anyhow we had a great week in first grade! Check out my five! :)

We finished this week our plants unit! Since we were celebrating all we learned we made a "garden" with shapes on each table! I'm always so impressed with my kids' imagination! 

I LOVE ART! I love painting and lately I have discovered that I can actually draw! "Ms. Parra you draw soooooo good!" - my kids ;) I found a book called Camille and the Sunflowers in the library and it was simply perfect for me! We got to learn a little bit about Van Gogh while talking about flowers! After we read we did a quick direct drawing and this was the result! A beautiful sunflower garden on my wall! :) 


We had a Field Trip!!! ON A WEDNESDAY! It was great! My children had so much fun! We went to a science museum ( I LOVE SCIENCE) hehe I basically love teaching EVERYTHING! I love exploring and getting my kids' hooked! This museum lets them explore and is "children - proof" ;) They wore many hats during the trip, from archeologists to architects! 

Today I decided to take teaching OUTSIDE. It was a Gorgeous day and the sun was calling my name hehe! We had an impromptu art session outside, we use finger paint! THEY LOOOVE to paint with their fingers and honestly I do too.

I'm getting married soon!! So my five is actually wedding updates! 
I have sent my wedding invitations and I already started to get our RSVP's! I also designed our wedding guestbook! I love our engagement why not using them for our guestbook?? I got it done through Shutterfly (I use this site for everything)!


Well friends these are my five! Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. Directed drawings are so much fun! I'm hoping to do a few to break up the monotony of assessments next week.

  2. Nice to see so much art and design in your first grade classroom! See you next time. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom
